Monday, 14 October 2019

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Security Notice Confirmation Dialog

                                    Microsoft Dynamics NAV Security Notice Confirmation Dialog

Hello Everyone, 

Ever came across the following confirmation dialog message : 

        ----------- Microsoft Dynamics NAV Security Notice ---------------

You are about to connect to 'DatabaseName' on server 'ServerName', which is not your current default connection setting. This can create a security risk. Do you want to continue? 
    --------------------------- Yes No --------------------------

While running any object from the Development environment to start the RTC Client. But it is irritating when you have to confirm it every time.

Don't worry I have a very simple solution for the same, Just follow the following steps to resolve this:

New Feature of NAV 2017 - Report Settings

New Feature of NAV 2017 - Report Settings

Everybody is talking about a new feature in NAV 2017 Reports which is Report Settings, Let's discuss this topic here.

It is a new feature of NAV 2017 Reports which allows you to select predefined sets of filters and options to get your desired output without changing the filter's value every time.

This will save time and increase efficiency in the daily usage of NAV Reports.

You can access this feature through a report page of a report from fast tab  "Saved Settings" 

This feature can be used on any report you want, which has a request page available. 

Simple tool to replace a string or character in Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Image result for replace image
Ever got a task to replace a string or character in a string in Microsoft Dynamics NAV but unable to find the simplest solution for this problem.

Don't worry I have a simple solution for this task.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Security Notice Confirmation Dialog

                                     Hello Everyone,  Ever came across the following confirmation dialog message :         ...